Athersley North Primary School
Behaviour Scheme
At Athersley North Primary we promote a positive approach to academic achievement, effort, courtesy, behaviour and attitude.
Class Dojo is a classroom communication app used track student behaviour. The system teaches developmental skills through using real-time feedback.
Every class will have a dojo account and adults will reward pupils based on a variety of characteristics including the school’s 5 key values (5Rs) which are: Forming Relationships, Taking Responsibility, Building Resilience, Developing Reasoning and Taking Risks.
Children will be encouraged to show the characteristics/skills within everyday learning and receive dojo points as a reward for the positive behaviour.
Each week, there will be a winner in each class for receiving rewards for displaying 2 of the 5R characteristics.
Every child that receives dojo points will get to save their dojo points towards a reward.
Various consequences are used by staff to support children in making good choices. All classes have a Behaviour Book and unacceptable incidents of behaviour are entered. The class teacher, when deemed necessary, will inform parents/carers.
Persistent interruption of lessons may result in pupils undertaking consequence time during their breaktime for 5 or 10 minutes, or having reflection time with their class teacher.