
"There is more to treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island." - Walt Disney

Reading Intent Statement

At Athersley North Primary School we value reading as a key life skill and are dedicated to ensuring our pupils become lifelong readers. We aim to strike a balance between teaching reading skills and fostering a love of reading. Our aim to provide pupils with many opportunities to read throughout the school day through: whole class reading sessions, novel study, independent reading and class story time to build reading fluency but to also enjoy a text. Additionally, we work together to teach explicit reading skills as referenced in the Reading Progression document which includes: summarising, retrieval, inference and predicting to allow pupils to understand the text as well as enjoy what they are reading. Our school’s curriculum plan ensures pupils are exposed to a wide range of books throughout the year as well as throughout their school journey. By the time pupils leave Athersley North Primary School, we hope they have built a love of reading and continue to build this as they continue their education.

Whole School Reading Spine

At ANPS, we value reading as a key learning skill and recognise it as being at the heart of becoming a well-rounded, educated citizen.

Our ‘Reading Spine’  has been designed by the staff at ANPS with the intention of ensuring that all children at the school are exposed to high quality children’s literature; enabling them to experience the intrinsic sense of joy that reading can bring, as well as developing their knowledge of the world.

The titles have been carefully considered – not just for quality and variety in terms of genres, classics and modern texts, established and new authors – but also in terms of how they can support the children’s understanding of the subjects covered in the school’s wider curriculum. We have devised the reading spine to embrace the fact that Britain is rooted in black and global history, achievement and culture and includes the achievements of black Britons.

 It will be an organic tool, growing as our knowledge grows and fluid to meet the varied interests of our cohorts. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list. Rather, it is a starting point, and our aspiration is that children will use it as a diving board for their own journeys as life-long readers.

Core texts have been chosen based on high quality texts (Lexile score) and/or links to the history or geography topic being studied that half term. Where high quality linked texts are not available, suitable texts have been chosen. Each year group covers a range of new and ‘classic’ texts within English units.

Reading Spine

Reading Knowledge and Skills

We have thought very carefully about the knowledge and skills our children need to be skilled, successful readers who have a love of reading. Each of the strands below is mapped out from EYFS to Year 6.

Developing A Love of Reading

Each of our classrooms has a book area which contains familiar texts to the children from previous year groups, core texts they are reading in class and linked texts to other areas of the curriculum.

Early Reading and Phonics

Phonics at Athersley North teaches all children to read accurately, fluently with good comprehension. They learn to form each letter, spell correctly and compose their ideas step by step. We use the Read, Write INC programme to deliver our phonics lessons.